Organise your stash

Do you find it hard to remember what fabrics are in your stash? Can you never locate that particular fabric you know you bought a year or so ago but aren’t sure where you stashed it? Do you end up buying duplicates because you forget what you already own? Do you pull a fabric from your stash then can’t remember what kind of fabric it is?
Worry no more! We have the perfect solution – our new fabric swatch book!
This beautiful A5 binder comes with 25 card inserts, space for 50 swatches, plus the option to buy more if you have a larger stash.
You will end up with a beautiful visual log of your fabric. So when you are planning your next project instead of rummaging through all your fabric to see what you have you can simply browse your fabric swatch book to view it all at once.
You can store your fabric swatches them in age order, fabric type, colour or source.
We also kept it a nice portable size so that you can easily take it shopping with you to find the perfectly coordinating haberdashery and trims.
So grab your fabric swatch book here, and start organising your stash. Also whilst you’re on a roll why not get some pattern storage envelopes and organise your patterns at the same time?